Martin Luther Josey
Gender: Male Race: White Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic Marital Status: Married
Social Security Number: 237019275 Father's Last Name: Josey Age: 78 Years Date
of Birth: 21 Apr 1919 Birth County: Rowan Residence City: Other Residence County:
Rowan Residence State: North Carolina Residence Zip Code: 28146 Education: 10th
grade Occupation: Knitting, looping, taping, and weaving machine operators
Industry: Yarn, thread, and fabric mills Date of Death: 6 Dec 1997 Death City:
Salisbury Death County: Rowan Death State: North Carolina Cause of Death:
Aortic aneurysm and dissection: Abdominal aneurysm, ruptured Other Cause of
Death: Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality:
Respiratory arrest Autopsy: Autopsy Not Performed Autopsy Findings: Autopsy
findings were not considered in determining cause of death Institution:
Hospital Inpatient Hospital Name: ROWAN REGIONAL MEDICAL CEN Attendant:
Physician Burial Location: Burial in-state Recorded Date: 10 Dec 1997 Source
Vendor: North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics