HYDE, 70, of Lake City, formerly of Tampa, died Friday at
home. A native of Tampa, he moved to Lake City in 1992. He was an
electrical contractor, former owner of Brandon S&H Electrical Co. and
Industrial Commercial Electric, an Army veteran of World War II, served as
chairman of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the Building Trades in
Hillsborough County and the Electrical Apprenticeship Committee of
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 915, past president
of the Tampa Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association,
charter member and past president of the Antique Automobile Club of America in
Hillsborough County, charter member and president of the North Gilchrist
Volunteer Fire Department, member of the Grand Lodge of Florida F. & A.M.,
Scottish Rite Body, Valley of Jacksonville, Orient of Florida, Masters and
Wardens Association District No. 7, perpetual member of Branford Lodge No. 130,
ambassador and noble of Marco Temple in Jacksonville and noble in the Branford
and Lake City Shrine Clubs. He is survived by his wife, Yvonne Prichard; a
daughter, Beth Ann of Tampa; four
granddaughters; and three great-grandchildren. A Direct Cremations Inc.,
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL): October
10, 1995.