Carroll Willis Josey
Carroll Josey Jr.
made his last haul as a truck driver on
Carroll was born
Carroll is survived by: his beautiful wife, Vickie; a daughter, Kim; a son,
Victor; a daughter-in-law, Whitney; two grandchildren, Tyson and Atticus; his mother, Marilyn; brothers, Emory and Matthew;
and sisters, Eve and Melissa.
Trahan Family Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation will be held from
Many have asked how they can best support the family during this tragic time.
And so we are asking that in lieu of flowers that his family and friends
instead make a donation to help cover the cost of the funeral. New Harvest
Fellowship will be handling the donations for us and ask that all donations are
clearly marked for the Carroll Josey Jr. funeral. Any questions, can be directed to Pastor Alan Issacson at 850-292-6644.
The family appreciates all the love and support they have been receiving and
wish to thank everyone for their efforts. May Carroll enjoy his new body and
the wonders of Heaven while we await the great reunion