Albert Edward Josey
Gender: Male Race: White Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic Marital Status: Widowed
Social Security Number: 239071235 Father's Last Name: Josey Age: 90 Years Date
of Birth: 25 Dec 1906 Birth County: Iredell Residence City: Other Residence County:
Forsyth Residence State: North Carolina Residence Zip Code: 27040 Education:
5th grade Occupation: Janitors and cleaners Industry: Tobacco manufactures Date
of Death: 16 Aug 1997 Death City: Winston-Salem Death County: Forsyth Death
State: North Carolina Cause of Death: Heart failure: Congestive heart failure,
unspecified Other Cause of Death: Acute renal failure: Acute renal failure,
unspecified Autopsy: Autopsy Not Performed Autopsy Findings: Autopsy findings
were not considered in determining cause of death Institution: Hospital
Inpatient Hospital Name: FORSYTH MEMORIAL HOSP Attendant: Physician Burial
Location: Burial in-state Recorded Date: 28 Aug 1997 Source Vendor: North
Carolina State Center for Health Statistics