WARNING  The information on this page is free to the public for your personal use only and is not for redistribution. Compiled and maintained by J Edward "Bud" & Marion Josey ©


NOTE:  Marion and I have made the decision to share with you the research on the Marriages, Births & Deaths we have collected on the Josey & related families. We would like to thank all the Registers of Deeds, Clerks of the Courts of the Counties that have allowed us to photograph the Marriage, Birth & Death indexes. Neither Marion & I or the Register of Deeds or the Clerks of the Courts are responsible for the index accuracy. You should order a certified copy to verify the dates of Marriages, Births & Deaths.


Montgomery Co, NC Births, A-R, 1867-2010\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Births, S-Z, 1867-2010\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Deaths, A-Z, 1913-2010\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages Female Index, A-Z, 1868-2010\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages Female Index, A-Z, 1978-2000\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1843-1897\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages Male Index, A-Z, 1867-2010\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1867-1893\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1893-1907\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1907-1916\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1917-1931\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1932-1950\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1950-1977\arles_gallery

Montgomery Co, NC Marriages, A-Z, 1978-2000\arles_gallery