In the name of God Amen. I, STEPHEN JOSEY
being very sick, but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my Last
Will and Testament, in manner and form as followeth.
ITEM 1st. I lend unto
my beloved Wife MARTHA JOSEY, One Third of my land including the dwelling
house, during her natural life.
ITEM 2nd. I give and
bequeath unto my beloved Wife, the following negroes, BEN,
BECK, and VENUS, two beds and furniture, and her choice of one of
horses, and my gigg, with my kitchen furniture, to
her and her heirs forever.
ITEM 3rd. I give and bequeath unto my Son JAMES HENRY JOSEY,
all my land, but if he should die before he arrives to lawful age, it is my
will and desire, that my Wife MARTHA, shall have it during her natural life,
and after her death, to JOHN JOSEY, my Nephew. Son of WILLIAM
JOSEY, to him and his heirs forever. further I
give and bequeath unto my Son J
Signed in the presence of JOHN