12 PAGE 159-160
February 1772
This Indenture made this Nineteenth day of February in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Two Between JOHN CHAMPION, of Halifax
County in the Province of North Carolina
of the one part, and JAMES JOSEY of the County and Province aforesaid, of the
other part. Witnesseth that the said JOHN CHAMPION, for and in consideration of
the sum of One Hundred and Eighty Five pounds Virginia money to him in hand
paid before the sealing and delivery hereof well and truly paid by JAMES JOSEY,
the receipt whereof the said JOHN CHAMPION, doth hereby acknowledge and himself
therewith fully satisfied and paid and of every part & parts thereof doth
hereby acquit and discharge the said JAMES JOSEY, his heirs & assigns
forever, hath granted, bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed, & by these
presents doth fully, freely, clearly and
absolutely grant bargain sell convey and confirm to him the said JAMES JOSEY,
his heirs and assigns forever, a Plantation tract or parcel of Land containing
by estimation One Hundred and Sixty acres be the same more or less, lying on
the South side of Morattuck River and on the North
side of Looking Glass Swamp in the County aforesaid. Beginning at a Gum in the said
Swamp running North 7 degrees East 180 poles to a White Oak, then along an old
line of marked trees to a corner White Oak, then along another old line of
marked trees to a Hickory, then along a line of marked trees, the dividing line
between the said JOHN CHAMPION and BENJAMIN CHAMPION to the aforesaid Swamp,
then down the meanders of the said Swamp to the first station. It being the
land whereon BENJAMIN CHAMPION, dec'd, formerly lived and was willed to the said
JOHN CHAMPION by his father the aforesaid dec'd, and all the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders, and all the whole right title and estate
of the said JOHN CHAMPION in to or out of the said land and
premises. To have and to hold forever the said granted and bargained
premises with all the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or any
ways appertaining to him the said JAMES JOSEY, his heirs and assigns for ever
to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof
forever and the said JOHN CHAMPION, for himself his heirs Executors & adm's doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said
JAMES JOSEY, his heirs and assigns shall and may at all times forever hereafter
lawfully and peaceably possess and enjoy the aforesaid land with all the
appurtenances free and clear from all incumbrances
and claims whatsoever and that the said JOHN CHAMPION, for himself his heirs
& assigns the said land with all the appurtenances unto him the said JAMES
JOSEY his heirs and assigns will well and truly warrant and for ever defend. In
witness whereof the said JOHN CHAMPION hath hereunto set his hand and seal the
day and year above written
Signed Sealed Delivered
In the presence of us