BOOK 28 PAGE 27-28
September 1828 JOEL MANGRUM to HENRY
This indenture
made this 18 th day of September One Thousand and Twenty Eight. Between JOEL
MANGRUM of the State of Virginia & County of Sussex
Executor of SAMUEL MANGRUM dec'd on the one part & HENRY
JOSSEY of the County of Halifax & State of
North Carolina of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said JOEL MANGRuM for & in consideration
of the-sum of One Hundred & Seventy Dollars Fifty Cents
to him in hand paid by
the said HENRY JOSSEY before the
sealing & delivery of these presents to the receipt whereof is
hereby him acknowledged that he is fully satisfied & paid, have bargained, sold,alieved & confirmed unto
the said HENRY JOSSEY to his heirs or assigns all and singular a certain tract
or parcel ofland lying &
being in the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina adjoining the
lands belonging to the Estate of
Others. Bounded as follows, Viz.
Beginning at a Pine, thence North 76 West 70 poles to a Red Oak, then South 82
West 35 poles to a Poplar, then South 74 West 20 poles to a Branch, then down
the said Branch to a White Oak, then West 54 poles to a Maple on Spring Branch,
then down the said Branch to a comer Pine & Oak, LOWRY'S
line, then North 74 East 269 poles to a Branch, then up the Branch to the
beginning, containing by estimation One Hundred Fifty Four acres be the same
more or less. And the said JOEL MANGRUM Executor & assigns
doth for himself his heirs & assigns Warrant &
forever defend the right & title of said land & premises with all the
hereditanlents & appurtenances thereunto appertaining unto the said
HENRY JOSSEY to his heirs or assigns forwit agaiilst all & every other person or persons whatever. In witness whereof the said
JOEL MANGRUM have hereunto set his hand & seal. The day & date above written.
Signed Sealed & delivered in the
presence of
Halifax County February Court 1829
Then this deed was exhibited in open
Court & duly proved by oath of ELISHA
APPLEWIllTE a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be