30 March 1769 JAMES
Indenture made the 30 th day of March in the year of our Lord Christ One
Thousand and Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine between JAMES JOSEY and SARAH his
wife, of the County of Northampton and Province of North Carolina of the one
part, and EDWARD WHITAKER of the County of Bertie and Province aforesaid of the
other part.Witnesseth that the said JAMES JOSEY and SARAH his wife, for and in
consideration of the sum of Eighty Five pounds Virginia money, to him in hand
paid, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge & thereof doth acquit
and discharge the said EDWARD WHITAKER, his heirs Exr's Adms and assigns by
these presents hath granted bargained and sold & doth by these presents
grant, bargain and sell unto the said EDWARD WHITAKER, his heirs and assigns
forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate on the South side of
Morattuck river now called Roanoke in the County of Halifax and Province
aforesaid. Containing by estimation One Hundred acres be the same more or less
and bounded as followeth. Beginning at a Pine adjoining THOMAS HUNTER'S line, from thence by a line of
marked trees to a fence which is the dividing line between ELISHA WILLIAMS and
the said JOSEY, then down the said fence to THOMAS'S line, thence up the said
line to the road, thence up the said road to HUNTER'S line, thence along the
said line to the first station together with all houses, buildings, gardens,
orchards, trees, water courses, profits, commodities, hereditaments and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of land belonging or in
any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate right,
title, property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said J
Sealed and Delivered SARAH
in the presence of
Halifax County First August Court 1769, Then
the aforegoing deed was in open Court duly acknowledged by JAMES JOSEY the
party thereto and SARAH JOSEY the feme in the said deed mentioned being first
privateley examined by Wm BAUCH Esq. acknowledged that she relinquished her
right of dower freely and voluntarily without compulsion of the said husband
whereupon the said deed was ordered to be registered.