28 PAGE 10 18 September 1828 HENRY JOSSEY
This indenture
made this 18 th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Eight
Hundred & Twenty Eight. Between HENRY JOSSEY of the County of
Halifax & State of North Carolina of the one part & HUMPHREY SCAMP of the said County 8? State of the
second part & JOEL MANGRUM of the County of Sussex & State ofVirgil1ia Executor of SAMUEL MANGRUM dec'd of
the third part. Witnesseth that the said HENRY JOSSEY stands firmly indebted to
the said JOEL MANGRUM Executor be in the sum of One Hundred &
Seventy Dollars & Fifty Cents, Divided into Six notes of Twenty Eight Dollars & Forty One Cents each all bearing date the 18 th September One Thousand
Eight Hundred & Twenty Eight and due twelve months after date, and the
said HENRY JOSSEY being desirous to secure to the said
JOEL MANGRUM th~ payment of the said
notes. The said HENRY JOSSEY for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
to him in hand paid by the said HUMPHREY S CAMP
the receipt whereof he doth hereby
acknowledge. That he is fully satisfied & paid have bargained & sold unto the said HUMPHREY
S CAMP all & singular a certain tract or parcel of land joining the
line ofWlLLIAM LOWRY &
Others containing by estimation One
Hundred and Fifty Four acres more or less which land the said HENRY JOSSEY this
day purchased of the said JOEL MANGRUM Executor & assigns. To the said HUMPHREY S CA1v1P to his heirs &
assigns the said land & premises with all the hereditaments & appurtenances thereunto appertaining to the said
HUMPHREY S CAMP to his heirs or assigns forever. Nevertheless in Special Trust &
confidence that the said HUMPHREY S
CAMP shall at any time after the Eighteenth day of September One Thousand Eight
Hundred & Twenty Nine or any time after when requested by the said JOEL MANGRUM after giving twenty days public notice by
advertising the same at one or more public places, Sell at public sale for the
best price that can be got & for ready money, the
said land & premises or so much thereof as will satisfy the above
notes with all the cost arising for legisting the above deed & all other cost thence arising. In witness thereof we have set our hands
& seals this day & date above
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of