Compiled by J Edward “Bud” & Marion Jackson Josey
Compiled Aug 1993
Acorn J Amon
Acorn Lilabelle NEE Jenkins
Acorn Mary Ann
Elizabeth 1864
Acorn William J 1862
Alley Mabel E
Beck 1920 W O Stephen A
Alley Stephen E 1921 1980
Baker George
Bears Catherine
J MacDonald 1860
Bears Cyrus W
Bears Euphemia
Gillis 1869 1932 W O
Jeremiah Bears
Bears George A no date
Bears Jane
Bears Jeremiah 1867 1934
Bears Olivia
Nicholson No Dates W O Cyrus W Bears
Bears William J 1861
Beck A Vincent
Beck Annie
Hildred Campbell
Beck Constance
Beck David
Beck Edith M
Beck Elwood R 1918
Beck Geroge
Beck Harry
P.V. 1867 1955
Beck J Vere
Beck James A
Beck John F
Beck John
Beck Laura
Cecelia Nicholle
Beck Lillian 1920 1926 D O
Harry P.V. & Mary Bull Beck
Beck Lily
Beck M Jessie
Beck Mary A.P.
Bull 1878 1971 W
O Harry P.V. Beck
Beck Mildred
Lillian Porter
Beck Nestor
Beck Olive
Beck Prudence 1910 1915 D
O Harry P.V. & Mary Bull Beck
Beck Samuel
Beck Sandra
Beck Sarah
Beck Tyler
Beers James 1890 1908
Beers Jemima 1900 1901
Bell Cecilia
Janet Buell
Bell Mary E
Richards 1862
Bell William 1859
Bell William
Bell Lovetta
Bishop John 1869 1942
Bishop William 1874
Bonnell John
T 1833
Bonnell Mark
Lorne 1923
Bonnell Ruby
Jardine 1922 1979 W O Mark
Lorne Bonnell
Bowles Archibald
Bowles E Russell 1899 S O Archie & Margaret Lowe Bowles
Bowles Evelyn J 1896 1991 W O John
M Bowles
Bowles John M 1889 1980
Bowles Margaret E
Bowles G
Watson 1887 1976 S
O Archie & Margaret Lowe Bowles
Brehaut Annie
Laurie MacRae
Brehaut Bertha
Brehaut Fanny
L Lowe 1884 1965 W O
Lemuel H Brehaut
Brehaut Lemuel
H 1888 1978
Brehaut Lemuel
MD. 1862 1945
Brehaut Lester
Brehaut Mary
Jane Murdock 1867 1935 W
O Lemuel Brehaut MD,
Brehaut Infant
Son No Dates S O Joseph Eric Brehaut
Brown H Ross 1903 1992
Brown Ruby B
Reynolds 1916 W O H Ross Brown
Buchanan J Sewell 1877 1933
Buchanan Mary A MacLeod 1877 1953 W
O J Sewell Bucanan
Buell Adeline
Ethel Gormley
Buell Alex 1910
Buell Annie L
Beck 1908 W O Freeman
Buell Arthur P 1897
Buell Catherine
M Aiken 1917 W
O Milton Buell
Buell Catherine
M MacLeod
Buell Daniel 1863 1945
Buell Erlene
Starr Ann
Buell Ernest 1884 1950
Buell Freeman
Buell Freeman 1904 1968
Buell Freeman D
Buell Garnett
Kitchner Jul 1916
Buell Gertrude
Buell Isaac 1868 1968
Buell Joseph
Buell Katherine
Richards 1877 1903 W
O Isaac Buell
Buell Margaret
A Bell 1862 1920 W
O Daniel Buell
Buell Mary 1904 1905 D O
Isaac & Katherine R Buell
Buell Minetta 1906 1979 Sister
of Blanche
Buell Orial
Buell Russell
Buell Walter
Buell William S
Buell William
Bull Christina 1876 4
May 1902 W O James Bull
Bull Georgna
Bell 1869 1962 W O
James Bull
Bull James 1859 1916
Bull John 1857 1949
Bull Louisa
J 1867 1950 W O John
Burll Mary E 1885 1976
Carver Rachel 1868 1924 W O
Thomas Carver
Carver Thomas 1861 1925
Carver Willard K 1903 1930 H
O Jane Beck
Chaisson Margaret Reynolds 1910
Clarey John A 1912 1993 New
Section of Cemetery across road
Clarey Margaret E
Gosbee 1921
Clements Angus B
Clements Harry T
Clements Shirley A Wilson
Clow James R 1856 1930
Clow Margaret
J Bathune 1863 1947 W
O James R Clow
Collingwood Marc Dutney
Cook Clara
Edith 1913 1985
Cook D Francis 1827
Cook Ewart
Gladstone 1898
Cook Frank
Russell Jun 1894
Cook Jane I
Munn 1872
Cook Rebecca E
Bears 1831
Cook Thomas L 1863
Croucher George Daniel, K.I.A. 1921 1940 S O
Harold C & Violet Croucher, WW 2
Croucher Harold C
Croucher Harold Glenn 1931 1933 S
O Harold C & Violet Croucher
Croucher Thomas George
Croucher Violet
Cuddy Clarence W 1901 1984
Cuddy Ewen
Laughlin 1924 1931 S
O Clarence W & Jessie A Cuddy
Cuddy Jenis M
MacLean 1882 1951 W
O Silas W Cuddy
Cuddy Jessie Ann
MacDonald 1901 1959 W
O Clarence W Cuddy
Cuddy John Silas 1942 1942 S
O Clarence W & Jessie A Cuddy
Cuddy Silas W 1873 1950
Davey John B May 1871
Dimond Wallace 1882 1933
Dutney Alexander
Dutney Ella J Hooper
Dutney Gladys C
Dutney J.A. 1879 1923
Dutney J.D. Bruce
Edgett Jack John
Feltmate Isabel
Beers 1892 1920 W O
Melvin S Feltmate
Fraser Margaret F 1875 9
May 1953 W O Walter S Fraser
Fraser Olive
Isabell Dec 1906
Fraser Violet M
Green 1910 W O Walter S Fraser
Fraser Walter S 1865
Fraser Walter S 1905 1980
Fraser Wilhemina Nov 1909 31 Mar 1913 D O Walter S & Margaret F Fraser
Gamble Tillie J
Sanders 1868 1936 W O
J.G.W. Gambel
Giddings Alice M MacKinnon 1894 1978 W O
Lemuel Giddings
Giddings C Leona MacKay No
Dates W O Oliver A Giddings
Giddings Cecil 1903 Brother to Ellen Matilda Giddings
Giddings Edgar G 1865 1953
Giddings Effie MacLean
Giddings Ellen Matilda 1896 1980
Giddings Etta
Giddings Irene M MacLeod 1872 1957 W
O Edgar G Giddings
Giddings Lemuel 1889 1986
Giddings Lorenzo 1880 1922
Giddings Oliver A No
Giddings Oliver G
Giddings Sadie J 1887 1979
Giddings Valerie
Giddings William
Gillis Annie
Gillis Gordon A 1912
Gillis Zibiah W 1912 W O Gordon A Gillis
Glover C Elizabeth
Glover David W
Glover Elmer D No Dates
Glover Mildred J
Gosbee no date
Glover W Leroy
Goodwin Blanche Buell 1904 1990 W
O Eric M Goodwin
Goodwin Eric M 1900 1966
Gordon Dennis Lee 1954 1977 S
O Ralph & Mary A Gordon
Gordon Effie 1878
Gordon Emily A NEE Buell 1882 1966 W
O William J Gordon
Gordon Eunice A
Richards 1851
Gordon Foster
Gordon Ivan J No Dates S O William J & Emily A
Buell Gordon
Gordon James W 1920 New section of Cemetery across road
Gordon Lloyd S
Gordon Lois M Leeco 1920 W O James W Gordon, New section
Gordon Mary Adiline
Buell 1915 1973 W
O Ralph Gordon
Gordon Robert A 1847
Gordon Sarah M Munn No
Dates W O Ivan J Gordon
Gordon William J 1876 1967
Gormley Beaudah
Gormley John 1865 1938
Gosbee Alexander M
Gosbee Annie
Gosbee Catherine M
Gosbee D Letitia
Grant 1859
Gosbee Francis
Russel Rev. 15 Jun 1917 New section of cemetery
Gosbee Georgie
Gosbee John 1855
Gosbee John Alfred
Gosbee Julia E Worth 7
Mar 1862
Gosbee Margaret Rose
Gosbee Perley
Gosbee Robert
Gosbee Sarah Nettie
Grant Isabell 1892 1909 D O
Robert Grant
Grant Mary
Compton 1842 1926 W O
William Grant
Grant Robert 1859 1899
Grant William 1849 1942
Gundlach Mary Isabelle Porter
Gundlach Roland Leroy
Hancock Charles 1885 1972
Hancock John Charles
Hancock Martha T Cook 1894 1974 W
O Charles Hancock
Harty Ella J 1878 1971 W O
William A Harty
Harty James
Allan 1906 1970 S
O William A & Ella J Harty
Harty William A 1868 1960
Hawkins Albert
Windall 1904 1967
Hayter Agnes G
Hayter Elwood 1952
Hayter Harry 1932 1984
Hayter Harry R
Hayter John S 1931 1988 Married
Hayter Thomas G 1867 1930
Hayter Thomas W
Herring Clifford
Herring Freeman
Herring Harry
Herring Hubert
Thane J
Herring Jeanetta
M Reynolds
Herring Josie
Ann Beck
Herring Leonard
R Capt
Herring Louis
Hedley Capt
Herring Monah
H no date
Herring Norma
Emma Franks
Herring Norman
Hollinghurst Ella Blanche MacLeod
Hooper David J 1862 1922
Hooper Elizabeth C
Buell No
Dates W O David J Hooper
Hooper Eva M White 1921 W O Oriol M Hooper
Hooper Haldon A
Hooper Janet E Bell 1885 1951 W
O Milton E Hooper
Hooper John H
Hooper Keith Merrill
Hooper Leonard
Hooper Margaret Elva
Hooper Mary
Hooper Melvin L 1914 1935 S
O Milton E & Janet E Hooper
Hooper Myrtle B
Hooper Olive
L.M. 1912 1915 D O
Milton E & Janet E Hooper
Hooper Oriol M 1920 1992
Hooper Vincent
Horton Alvin Murray Jun 1904
Horton Catherine B
Nicholson 1871 1964 W
O Thomas G Horton
Horton Charles H 1908 1958
Horton Daniel N 1907
Horton Francis H 1877 1959
Horton Hazel M
Sharam 1902 1979 W
O Daniel N Horton
Horton Josephine
Fern Keenan 1916
Horton Sarah E
Phillips 1886 1978 W O
Francis H Horton
Horton Thomas G 1869 1953
Horton Watson 1885 1959
Hume Alice
Rolfe 1868 1933 W O
William D Hume
Hume Berry 1946
Hume CatherineE
Beaton 1865 1967 W
O Peter G Hume
Hume Damaris
Watts 1859 1936 W O
Samuel Hume
Hume David H
Hume Donald
Hume Donna Lynn 1966 1980 D
O Barry & Ester Hume
Hume Emily
Hume Esther 1950 W
O Barry Hume
Hume J James
Hume John David
Hume Marion
Hume Murdock B
Hume Peter G 1868 1947
Hume Samuel 1857 1937
Hume Willard K
Hume William D 1881 1960
Hume Zibiah
Innocen t Alfred
Edgar 1910 1990
Innocent Emma Cook 1906 1991 W
O Alfred Edgar Innocent
Jenkins Ephraim 1839
Jenkins Isabell
Jenkins John
E 1907 1980
Jenkins Julia
K 1907 1962 W
O John E Jenkins
Jenkins Nicolas
J 1865
Jenkins Sarah
Roberts 1842
Johnson Alex 1896 1981
Johnson Emerson
K 1918 1982
Johnson Evelyn
Nicole 1923 W O Emerson K
Johnson Helen
K 1914 W O Reginal C
Johnson,New Section
Johnson Ida
Giddings 1916 W O Alex Johnson
Johnson R
Johnson Reginald
C 1906 1989 New
Kay Arthur
Kay Ethel
Keenan Bessie C
Keenan Clifford
Keenan Dolina Agnes
Keenan Emily I 1942 W O Rankin W.A.
Keenan Fannie E
MacKenzie 1872 1930 W
O Roderick Keenan
Keenan Harold
E 1896
Keenan Julia Leanne 1970 1970 D
O Rankin W.A. & Emily I Keenan
Keenan Leroy A
Keenan Mildred
Keenan Rankin
W.A. 1937
Keenan Roderick 1870 1936
Keenan T.A.
Kennan Reta F Crozer 1895 1963 W
O William R Kennan
Kennan William R 1891 1966
Kirby Clara
Matilda McLeod
Kirby Ernest
Ledgerwood Minnie M MacKenzie
Leeco Elsie M
Leeco Leslie I
Leeco Wilda Lois
Livingstone George M
Livingstone Irene M Beck
Livingstone Joseph H 1886 1973
Livingstone Lettie A Sharam 1893 1991 W
O Joseph H Livingstone
Lord Susan 1828
Lord William
H 1849 1926
Lowe Catherine
MacSwain 1872 1945 W
O George S Lowe
Lowe Clarence B 1908 1976
Lowe Elizabeth
White 1846 1921 W
O John Lowe
Lowe Elnora 1882 1911
Lowe Emily V 1897 1921
Lowe Francis M 1894 1974
Lowe George S 1873 1948
Lowe Henrietta 1880 1922 On
John Lowe marker
Lowe Infant
Daughter 1915 1915 D
O Francis M & Zibiah H Jowe
Lowe J.T 1880 1917 On
John Lowe marker
Lowe John 1842 1920
Lowe Lea 1921
Lowe Lula Mae
Beck 1909 1992 W
O Clarence B Lowe
Lowe Lulu Mary
Lowe Mary Jane 1905 1910 D
O Elnora Lowe
Lowe Oliver W 1906 1912 On
John Lowe marker
Lowe Philip J
Lowe S Emily 1889 1917 On John
Lowe marker
Lowe William
Lowe Zibiah
Hume 1894 1969 W O
Francis M Lowe
Lowe E Hortense 1914 1919 On
John Lowe marker
Mabey Dorcas Mary
Horton 1856 1948 W
O George Mabey
Mabey George 1850 1927
MacCallum Marion E Heyter
MacCallum Neil
MacDonald Alexander G
MacDonald Alexander J 1904
MacDonald Archie C
MacDonald Bryan Keith
MacDonald Catherine B 1873 1928 W O
Daniel J MacDonald
MacDonald Daniel J 1869 1933
MacDonald Dorothy M MacKay No Dates Second
W O Alexander J MacDonald
MacDonald Edith A Pridgeon
MacDonald Freda Marie MacLeod 1910 1948 First W
O Alexander J MacDonald
MacDonald George 1891 1958
MacDonald Infant Daughter
MacDonald Irena B Campbell 1888 1974 W
O Kenneth MacDonald
MacDonald Irena B Campbell 1888 1974 W
O Wallace Dimond
MacDonald Irena B Campbell 1888 1974 W
O George MacDonald
MacDonald Kenneth 1874 1926
MacDonald Laurie William 1941 1989 S O
Alexander J & Freda MacDonald
MacDonald Lillian M age
3 months No Dates D O Daniel J
& Catherine B MacDonald
MacDonald M.D. Rev 1868
MacDonald Nancy MacIntosh
MacDonald Infant 1988 1988 Wooden
MacDougal Nancy Gail Keenan 1952 1981 W
O Wayne MacDougal
MacDougal Sascha Maradee 1972 1981 D O
Wayne & Nancy Gail MacDougal
MacFadyn Jake Daniel
MacIntosh John A 1861 1935
MacIntosh John James Jr
MacIntosh Lillian Mae Beck
MacKay Albert F
MacKay Christina age
8 munths No Dates D O John & Sadie Carver
MacKay Edith W Fraser 1903 W O J Stanford MacKay
MacKay Elsie S 1919
MacKay George 1845 1931
MacKay Gerald F
MacKay Harry no date 15 Jun 1993 New section
MacKay Huldah MacLeod 1834 1905 W
O George MacKay
MacKay J Stanford 1906 1982
MacKay John W 1876 1930 S O
George & Huldiah M MacKay
MacKay Sadie Carver 1901 1926 W
O John MacKay
MacKay Viola Mae
MacKenzie Agnes Faustina 1917 D O John E &
Lucy Ann MacKenzie
MacKenzie Alexander 1863 1950
MacKenzie Carl V 1931 1978
MacKenzie Edith M 1944 W O Carl V MacKenzie
MacKenzie George Ivan
MacKenzie Harry Edmund 1915 S O John E &
Lucy Ann Mackenzie
MacKenzie Ivan Edward
MacKenzie John E
MacKenzie John W 1909
MacKenzie Lillian Beatrice Nicolle
MacKenzie Louis Henry 1913 S O John E &
Lucy Ann MacKenzie
MacKenzie Lucy Ann Irving 1880
MacKenzie Martin Thelma 1911 C O John E &
Lucy Ann MacKenzie
MacKinnon Hannah B Campbell 1914 1986 W
O Harold E MacKinnon
MacKinnon Harold E 1911
MacKinnon Infant Daughter
MacKinnon John Paul
MacKinnon Mary Jane MacLeod
MacLaughlin Charles 1830 1905
MacLean Alex 1875 1964
MacLean Archibald
MacLean Baby 1940 1940 I
O George B & Marion V MacLean
MacLean Beulah Isabell
MacLean Charlotte MacCallum
MacLean Christena 1881 1960 W O John
A MacLean
MacLean Daniel A
MacLean Elizabeth M 1915 W O Leonard MacLean
MacLean Francis 1909 1940 C
O John A & Christena MacLean
MacLean Francis Anthony Allen
MacLean Frederick William
MacLean George B 1918 1967
MacLean Harold William Wayne
MacLean Hattie Giddings
MacLean John A 1875 1952
MacLean John M
MacLean Leonard 1909 1984
MacLean Marion V Butler 1921 1974 W
O George B MacLean
MacLean Mary Bell
MacLean Neil 1834
MacLean Peter W 1903 1966
MacLean Willard Alvin Alexander
MacLean William R 1921 1943
MacLeod Annie B Dec
MacLeod Barbara 1899 1984
MacLeod C Janet
MacLeod Calvin 1858
MacLeod Charles "Bert"
MacLeod Daniel 1826
MacLeod Emma
MacLeod Ernest P 1901 1987
MacLeod Ethel A MacKenzie
MacLeod Faye Evelyn
MacLeod Frederick R 1908 1970
MacLeod G Lester 1916 1952
MacLeod Gavin M
MacLeod Infant Daughter 1954 1954 D
O Frederick R & Mary Ann MacLeod
MacLeod Isabelle 1890 1960 D
O Matthew & Lelia C MacLeod
MacLeod James Evans 1861
MacLeod Jennie B 1905 1984 W
O Ernest P MacLeod
MacLeod John D
MacLeod Kenzie Murdock 1914 1914 S
O John D & Ethel A MacLeod
MacLeod Lavinia B 1929 D O Ernest P
& Jennie B MacLeod
MacLeod Lelia Cook 1859 1927 W
O Matthew MacLeod
MacLeod Margaret 1895 1971 D O
Matthew & Lelia C MacLeod
MacLeod Margaret Catherine 1868
MacLeod Marie L Kennedy
MacLeod Marie Loretta Ferguson 1900 1975 W O
William Francis MacLeod
MacLeod Mary Munn 1874 1969
MacLeod Mary Ann 1915 W O Frederick R
MacLeod Mary Ann Bishop 1863
MacLeod Matthew 1862 1939
MacLeod Matthew M
MacLeod Mina 1925
MacLeod Peggy Ann Lynk
MacLeod Reagh Eldon
MacLeod Sadie
MacLeod W Ralph
MacLeod Walter Angus 1921 1981
MacLeod William Francis 1901 1991
MacLeod William M
MacLoughlin Christie MacDonald 1840 1922 W O
Charles MacLaughlin
MacLure Cortney D 1896 1950
MacLure Euphemia J McQueen
MacLure Infant Son & Daughter No Dates C O Parmalee & Euphemia
MacLure Matthew M
MacLure Parmalee
MacPhee Ethel Hunt 1906 W O Malcolm B MacPhee
MacPhee Infant Daughter 1934 1934 D
O Malcolm B & EThel H MacPhee
MacPherson Angus
MacPherson J Russell 1918 1989
MacPherson Margaret MacPhee
MacPherson Merton
MacPherson Phyllis MacKay 1925 W O J Russell MacPherson
MacWilliams Alfred A 1903 1986
MacWilliams L Myrtle Herring 1910 1974 W
O Alfred A MacWilliams
Martin Angus 1846
Martin Jane
MacQuarrie 1839
Martin Tracy
Masher Gurtrude M
LaPierre 1909 W O
Matheson John Murdock no date
McCaddell Mary 1876
McCaddell Mary M
McInnis Alexander
McInnis Elizabeth
B Forbes
McInnis Jessie
Beatrice Dorey
McInnis William
McKay Howard F 1873 1942
McKay Sadie Kirby 1881 1961 W
O Howard F McKay
McKenzie Alexander 1850
McKenzie Debrah Bishop 1852 15
Mar 1928 W O Alexander MaKenzie
McKenzie George no date
McKenzie Louis H 1889
McLeod Bessie May
McLeod Cyrus Watson
McLeod David John 1876 1943 S
O George & Mary M Mcleod
McLeod George 1878 1923
McLeod George 1842 1905
McLeod Harlan 1912 1937
McLeod Huldah 1869 1909 D O
George & Mary M McLeod
McLeod Ida
McLeod John Eber 1866
McLeod Mary McDonald 1844 1906 W
O George McLeod
McLeod Mary Ann Bishop 1828
McLeod Mary P 1839
McLeod Neil Boyd
McLeod Sadie MacLure 1880 1969 W
O George McLeod
McLeod Victor 1892 1937
McLure Cartenay 1828 13
May 1909 W O Cavin McLure
McLure Cavin 1827
McLure Grace Euphemia
McPhee 1893 1963
Milburn Alexandra
Carolyn 1920 W O Peter Robert Milburn
Milburn Peter
Robert 1906 1991
Miller Audrey
Alvida Bell No Dates W O Hiram Freeman Miller
Miller David
Miller Hiram
Freeman No Dates
Miller William
Mosher Esther Marie
Mosher Kevin J
Mosher Maynord
Munn Cassie E
Beck 1875 1912 First W
O Capt John A Munn
Munn Christie
McLeod 1888 1959 Second
W O Capt John A Munn
Munn Christina M
Munn Daniel 1914
Munn Earl
Munn Emma C
Mobbs 1878 1901 W
O William Munn
Munn Ena Olva 1928 1981
Munn Isabella
MacIntosh 1855 1937 W
O William Munn
Munn Ivan W
Munn John A Capt 1873 1943
Munn Joseph S 1908 1988
Munn Laura no date 1961 W O
Joseph S Munn
Munn Margaret F
Munn Margaret J
Munn Robert A
Munn Robert D
Munn Thomas A 1898 1901 S
O William & Emma C Munn
Munn William 1867 1937
Munn Winiford E
Taylor 1922 W O Daniel Munn
Murdock Annie Livingstone 1847 18 May
1927 W O George Murdock
Murdock Blake M 1928
Murdock Cavin 1878 1921
Murdock Clarence 1896 1987
Murdock David 1856 1927
Murdock David Palmer
Murdock Elizabeth Roberts 1866 1955 W
O David Murdock
Murdock George Nov
Murdock George 1858
Murdock Gordon A 1922 S O Clarence
& Sadie K Murdock
Murdock Jean 1902 1983
Murdock Laurie 1891 1934
Murdock Lovell No
Dates S O David & Elizabeth R
Murdock Ruth 1932 D O Jean Murdock
Murdock Sadie Isabel 1897 1959
Murdock Sadie K MacDonald 1901 1993 W O
Clarence Murdock
Murdock Sarah 1860 1942 D
O David & Elizabeth R Murdock
Murdock Sarah M MacDonald 1881 1977 W O Cavin
Murdock Stella 1891 1965
Murdock Stewart A 1904 1972
Muttart Doris
Evelyn 1917 D O William F & Eunice B Muttart
Muttart Edward
C 1919
Muttart Eunice
Blanche Kirby 1883 1939 W
O William Freeman Muttart
Muttart Jean
P Cuddy 1925 1986 W O
Edward C Muttart
Muttart William
Freeman 1867 1941
Nichole Ethel
C 1897 1981
Nichole James
A 1922 1935 S O
Leland S &
Nichole Leland
S 1892 1988
Nichole Nina
A 1899
Nicholle Clarence
O 1894 1988
Nicholle Ella
J Bears 1896 1975 W O
Clarence O Nicholle
Norcott Peter
O'Connor Curtis Matthew
O'Connor Jemima Buell
O'Connor John
Peterson Jean B Millar 1840 1934 W
O Samuel S Peterson
Peterson Samuel S 1838 1911
Porter Alfred J 1933 1977
Porter Audrey G
Buell 1930 W O Bruce A Porter
Porter Aulden
Clarie, K.I.A.
Porter Bruce A 1922 New
Porter Clara J 1900 1963 W O
Raulston A Porter
Porter John J 1920 1929 S O
Raulston A & Clara J Porter
Porter Lewis R 1935 1964
Porter Mary Gosbee
Porter Raulston A 1890 1948
Porter William
Pryne Allan S 1926
Pugh Dorothy R
Murdock 1893 1940 W
O William L Pugh
Rafter Robert B 1970 1976
Rafuse Audrey E
Rafuse Charles F 1946
Rafuse Howard G
Rankin John
Rankin Mary Munn
Rath Alfred
Stanley 1906 1932
Rath Maxine
Alexia 1928
Reid Damaris
W Bishop
Reid George
Reid Stephen
Reynolds Alex R 1862 1925
Reynolds Benjamin A
Reynolds C Ella Clow
Reynolds Christena MacDonald
Reynolds Ckarence C 1919 1973
Reynolds David A 1890 1903 S
O Alex R & Louise C Reynolds
Reynolds Ethel Mae Harty 1901 1992 W
O Freeman Reynolds
Reynolds Freeman E
Reynolds Katherine M
Reynolds Louise Compton 1863 1938 W
O Alex R Reynolds
Richards Alexander 1877 1964 S O
James & Margaret H Richards
Richards Alexander C 1946 S O James P & Martha T Richards
Richards James 1840 1913
Richards James A No
Richards James P 1913 1982
Richards John 1854 1936
Richards Julia Hartling
Richards Lester Mark
Richards Lettisa
Richards Margaret Henderson 1840 1929 W O
James Richards
Richards Martha T Hancock 1915 W
O James P Richards
Richards Mary Bell Nicholson 1874 1943 W O
Alexander Richards
Ross William A Aug 1898
Sanders A
Evelyn Beaton 1898 W O John H
Sanders Elizabeth MaLeod 1835
Sanders Inez
J Beaton
Sanders J
Sanders J
Robert (Birt)
Sanders James 1842 1924
Sanders John
Sanders John
H 1883 1964
Sanders Mary
E Reynolds
Sanders Myrtle
Catherine 1921 1923 D
O John H & A Evelyn Sanders
Sanders Robert 1837
Sanders Lottie
J Gosbee
Seaman Claude S 1923 1985
Seaman Ivy W Sly 1925 1991 W
O Claude S Seaman
Seccabaugh Arthur W
Sencabaugh Charles L 1854 1929
Sencabaugh Margaret A Hayter
Sencabaugh Priscillia Ann 1853 1924 W O
Charles L Sencabaugh
Sencabaugh Winfred Etta 1896 1900 D O
Charles L & Priscilla Sencabaugh
Sharam D Percy
Sharam Dalzil 1887 1964
Sharam Elizabeth M
Sanders 1875 1949 W
O Henry Sharam
Sharam Henry 1859 1935
Sharam Infant
Sharam John
L.P. 1884 1961
Sharam Lillian A
Singleton Pearley 1910
Singleton William H 1842
Slymeist Emily
Compton 1858 1909 First W
O John T Slymeist
Slymeist James
Slymeist Lavinia
Bishop 1865 1934 Second W
O John T Slymeist
Slymeist N
Christina Horton 1898 1984 W
O James M Stymeist
Smith Annie
Catherine MacLean
Smith Harry
Srewart Isabella 1840 1918
Stewart William
H.H. 1821 1904
Stewart William
Stockford Carol J 26
Mar 1934 D O Clarence J & Josephine
Stockford Clarence J
Stockford Josephine MacKinnon
Stokes M Josephine
Stokes Roy W
Strickland Brefnie Lester age
6 months
Strickland Grace Margaret 1939 1 May
1945 D O Vance S & Ruth V
Strickland Inez Etta 1931 24
May 1955 D O Vance S & Ruth V
Strickland Ruth Vivian Penny 1904
Strickland Vance S 1904
Sylmeist John
T 1856 1926
Turple Sarah M
Vessey Muriel Reta
Vessey Robert
Walters Edith 1892 1980 W O
Revel S Walters
Walters Revel
S 1889
Wannamaker Dwayne Neil
Watson James Arnold 1933 H O Norma R Anderson,
Watson James Stephen
Watson Norma R
Anderson 1938 1989 W
O James Arnold Watson
Weatherbie Amonetta Jane
Weatherbie Artimas 1875
Weatherbie Ellen MacLean 1870 13
Mar 1911 W O Artimas Wheatherbie
Weatherbie Joseph A 1898 1972
Weatherbie Sarah Acorn 1847 19
Mar 1911 W O Thomas Weatherbie
Weatherbie Thomas 1828
Wheeler Bessie
Jane 1892 1943
Wheeler Christena
Ann Bears 1873 1954 W
O John Vere Wheeler
Wheeler Eleanor
Elizabeth 1887 1971
Wheeler George
Wheeler Henry 1857
Wheeler Hugh
Angus 1889
Wheeler John
Vere 1869 1907
Wheeler Louis
B 1874
Wheeler Lucy
May DeNike
Wheeler Margaret
Gillis 1854
Wheeler Sarah
B MacKay 1877
White Annie
Bowren 1858 1944 W O
James P White
White Bessie May
Hooper 1897 1980 W
O James Watson White
White Brenda Lena Oct 1951 Dec
1951 D O Raymond F &
White Catherine
White E Matilda 1865 1959 Mother
of James Watson White
White Ellen K
Munn 1924 W O J William
White Fred Donald
White George
White Harriet
Jemima Apr 1956 Aug 1956 D O Raymond F &
White Harriet M 1884 1959 W
O William P White
White J William 1917 H O Ellen K
White James 1889 1962 Wooden
Cross marker
White James
Watson 1890 1988
White Jane
Giddings 1851 1936 W O
Norman White
White John
T 1892
White Mary Ann
White Oliver T
White Raymond F 1923
White Steven
William Aug 1959 May 1976 S O Raymond F &
White William
White William P 1881 1947
White William
Parker 1879 1909
Whiteway Anges MacPherson 1901 1983 W O
William Whiteway
Whiteway Barbara 1828 21
Mar 1898 W O Robert Whiteway
Whiteway Barbara Isabelle Dec 1905
Whiteway Caroline McLure
Whiteway David M 1866
Whiteway David William 1921
Whiteway Flora A Matherson 1871 1939 W
O George A Whiteway
Whiteway Fred Morris 1919 1982
Whiteway George A 1866 1932
Whiteway George B
Whiteway George O
Whiteway Gertrude I Giddings
Whiteway J.J. Ann Young 1908 1990 W
Whiteway Jane MacLeod 1849 1934 W
O John Whiteway
Whiteway John 1851 1938
Whiteway John B 1886
Whiteway Mary Jane Bowles 1858 1923 W
O Robert Whiteway
Whiteway Minnie Nov
Whiteway Robert 1829
Whiteway Robert 1882
Whiteway Robert 1859 1934
Whiteway William 1898 1969
Wight Adam 1864 1941
Wight Adam B 1909 1972 S O Adam
& Mary E Wight
Wight Mary E
Sharam 1876 1962 W O Adam
Wight Rowland 1902 1902 S
O Adam & Mary E Wight
Williams Llewelyn 8 Mar 1920
Young Bertha E
Hanson 1903 1985 W
O George E Young
Young Doris M
MacEachoin 1917 W O Frank M Young
Young Frank M 1915
Young George E 1903
Young Larry R 1961 1961
Young Lillian
Grant Dalziel 1909 W O Nathan A Young
Young Nathan A 1906 1989
Young Verlie F 1951 D O Frank M
& Doris M Young